Commercial Painters Perth
- Spray Painting
- High Pressure Cleaning
- Texture Coating
- Roof Painting
- Concrete Floors
- Tilt-Up Panels
- Roller Doors
- Anti Graffiti
- Timber Floors
Some of Our Previous Jobs
Spray painting
We scraped off all the peeling paint and sanded the whole door to get a smooth surface for the finish. To get access to the high areas we had to use scissors lift during the work.After cleaning down and putting plastic covers around the edges to prevent the surrounding areas from overs praying, we applied 2 coats of exterior acrylic by spraying the whole surface with airless spray unit.
Roof painting
Concrete painting
Concrete can be painted if it`s clean, dry and free of chemical substances. Therefore new concrete has to be washed with acid water and dried out properly before it can be painted. There are a lot of different solutions as to how to paint and what concrete can be treated with. One is Epoxy coating, a two-pack high gloss and hardwearing paint. This old concrete floor in a Rockingham Recreational Facility has been worn out and looked very battered. After 3 coats of tinted epoxy paint it built up a good looking, shiny and easy to clean surface.